Wednesday, June 17, 2015



这两年家婆因为脚不方便都没有再包粽子了。小儿子挺喜欢吃粽子,我有时也在夜市买粽子给他当早餐。端午节需要粽子拜拜,买肉粽也得花费不少,所以立下心肠这次自己A to Z一手包办裹肉粽。

1] 糯米1kg,无皮绿豆500g,洗净浸泡隔夜。然后
2] 粽叶放进沸水里煮软,拿出清洗干净。
3] 五花肉切块加五香粉,油,酱油,白米酒(或花雕酒),盐腌半个小时。
4] 小葱头去皮,切薄片。
5] 热油锅,油热后,把小葱片炸酥脆。捞起部分油等下炒糯米。
6] 把五花肉倒进锅里和葱酥油一起爆香,起锅备用。
7] 把之前盛起的葱油放进锅里再倒入糯米,加盐、生抽、晒油拌匀,盛起。
8] 然后就可以包粽子了,把两张粽叶做成锥形,放入一汤匙糯米,一汤匙绿豆,馅料(五花肉、香菇、鲜蛋、栗子。。),再加一汤匙糯米覆盖,把粽子包起,绑好。
9] 丟進鍋子裡煮3小時就可以了。

American Bownie

  • 225g butter, melted
  • 3500g of brown sugar (or more depending on your taste)
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • 4 eggs
  • 225g plain flour
  • 100g unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder
  • 100g mini chocolate chips (has to be mini)
  • Walnut 100g

Prep:20min  ›  Cook:20min  ›  Ready in:40min 

  1. First, preheat the oven to 180 C / Gas 4. Lightly grease and flour a 23x30cm baking tin.
  2. Next, beat butter, sugar and vanilla. Add eggs one at a time.
  3. Sift flour, cocoa, salt and baking powder and add it to the mixture. Beat it slowly until flour mixture and butter mixture are incorporated, add chocolate chips & walnuts then mix again.
  4. Pour it into the baking tin and bake it for 20 minutes or until a skewer poked into the centre comes out clean. Don't mistake melted chocolate chip from the batter. The skewer has to have a bit of chocolate stuck to it. But if it's a lot of chocolate stuck, then it's not ready yet.
  5. Let it cool. The brownie will be crumbly if you eat it right away. Let it cool and it will be chewy and not crumbly. Patience is a virtue.


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