Tuesday, June 28, 2011





猪肉丝 140g (猪肉煮熟后拔成丝)
生抽 20g
糖 20g
盐 5g
食油 30g
紫菜1大片 (撕碎)

1]   猪肉丝和其他调味料拌匀。
2]   把猪肉丝放进镬里,小火炒,不断翻动以免烧糊了。
3]   猪肉丝开始粘镬时,拌入食油,继续拌炒至干即可离火。
4]   猪肉丝加入紫菜碎片拌匀,放进烘炉烤约5分钟。

Saturday, June 18, 2011

没有Perut Ikan 的“Perut Ikan”

光顾过几次娘惹餐馆,LG不大能接受他们的菜,所以就绝足娘惹餐馆了。是福建人的大伯母听朋友说Bee Giak的娘惹菜好好吃,当她来怡保时我们就带她到那儿进餐。伯母叫了这道Perut Ikan,我们在Bee Giak吃了几次,就是没有点过这道菜,原来是娘热经典菜呢!

我很喜欢口味重的菜肴,这道正合我意。奇怪LG也说好吃,女儿更吃到粘粘猁!不过两个少爷就不能接受咯!有一次在路边看到野生的栳叶,想到女儿喜欢吃perut ikan,赶紧摘下一段拿回家栽种。
 现在随时都有新鲜的栳叶做perut ikan咯!

上网找了perut ikan的做法,就开始动工了。我不知道鱼肚是啥模样的,也不知道在哪可以买到,将就一点,来一个没有perut ikan也没有虾的“素”Perut Ikan咯!虽然如此,LG和女儿也吃得津津有味涅!!

Paste (Blend & Saute)
200g Red chillies
30g Tumeric
150g Shallot
30g Lemongrass
20g Galangal
20g Belachan
Vegy (Cut into small pieces)
500g Long Bean
500g Aubergine
300g Tomato
200g 4 Angle Bean
100g Pea Aubergine
100g Red Chillies
Herbs (Sliced Finely)
100g (2) Ginger Flower
50g Mint Leaves
50g Basil Leaves
300g Kaduk Leaves
20g Tumeric Leaves
10g Kaffir Lime Leaves 
100g Cekur Leaves
500g (2btls) Preserve Fish Stomach
1kg Prawn (shelled)
80g Tamarind Pulp
100ml Oil
1 cup coconut milk
4 tbsp Sugar, to taste
1 tbsp, Salt, to taste
Blend the spice paste with the a food processor, set aside. Heat up some oil in the wok and sauté the spice paste until fragrant. Add in the pickled fish stomach pieces and stir well with the spice paste. Add in 5 cups of water and bring it to boil and toss in the vegy. Simmer for 15 minutes. Add in the coconut milk, small shrimp and the herbs and simmer for another 15 minutes. Add salt to taste. Serve hot.


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